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The following section will show you how to return some results such as: NodeDisplacement, ReactionForces.
Furthermore, the Finite Element Model will be displayed on Rhino entities such as: Points, Lines, Mesh.

You can download the Grasshopper definition used in this tutorial from here 👉Grasshopper Definition


If you need some specific result type not implemented in the FEM-Design API toolbox please get in touch with us and we will implement it for you.

Extract results​

Reading the results from a FEM-Design file requires the model to have any saved calculation results. FEM-Design stores the result in a special file with extension .strFEM from which the results can be extract and read using API toolbox.

extract-result extract-result extract-multiple-result

Read results​

read-result read-result

FEM geometry​

FdFeaModel FdFeaModel

FEM-Design geometry displayed in Rhinoceros