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Getting started

Grasshopper is a visual programming tool created for designers and engineers to use in conjunction with Rhinoceros. The program requires little to no programming expertise and is easy to learn.

The FEM-Design API toolbox for Grasshopper contains a set of functions that can be used to communicate with FEM-Design through the struxml file format allowing its users to create parametric models, run iterative analyses and create automated workflows.


In order to use FEM-Design API for Grasshopper you need to have Rhino3d installed on your computer. You can install FEM-Design API, also known as add-ons, using the Package Manager.

Package Manager

  1. Open Rhino3D and launch the Package Manager from the Tools menu.
  2. Search for FEM-Design and click the "Install" button. The Package Manager will download and install the plugin.
  3. Restart Rhino3D to activate the plugin. You should now be able to use the plugin in Grasshopper.

Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully installed FEM-Design API for Grasshopper and the tool will be seen in FEM-Design tab:
